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Student Life

At Covenant Day School, we believe co-curricular activities are fundamental to a student's education. These activities give students the opportunity to explore their interests, connect with the larger student body, and develop meaningful friendships.

The Student Experience

Homecoming Week

Homecoming Week is fun for the entire CDS community! A week of dress-up days and fun activities culminates with our homecoming game on Friday where the entire school community, including our alumni, come together at Warner Park!

School Spirit

Covenant Day hosts many events throughout the year to foster community and school spirit. Spirit Week gives our students a chance to connect with the larger student body as they show their school spirit complete with dress-up days, activities, and an all-school pep rally. During Color War, our freshmen students strengthen their class bond through fun activities, team challenges, and a collection drive to benefit the local community. Middle school students enjoy an annual talent show and grade level challenges. In our lower school, students enjoy classroom celebrations, Sprit Fridays, and joining together for the Turkey Trot. 

Field Trips

Beginning in JK, students have the opportunity to experience Charlotte and North Carolina in a fun and interactive way through educational field trips.


Getting plugged in is easy! Student clubs and extracurricular classes are a great way to build friendships, pursue interests, and develop talents. Clubs gives students the opportunity to develop leadership skills, give back to the community, show their school spirit, and develop new passions!

Middle and High School Retreat

During the first week of school, our middle and high school students have the opportunity to get away to the mountains in western North Carolina to kick off the school year. The three-day retreat is held at Windy Gap, a Christian retreat center. High school and middle school students each go on their own retreat where they have the opportunity to get to know their classmates and teachers better. The trip includes chapels, team-building activities, and plenty of free time! Covenant Day’s mountain retreats give students a chance to establish and strengthen relationships before the school year begins!

5th Grade Retreat

Kanuga is a three-day science education trip for fifth graders that takes place in early May. Students get the opportunity to get to know each other better while learning about Appalachian plant and animal life and environmental stewardship. Students also learn orienteering and go on a night hike.