Head of School - Mark Helmer
Welcome to Covenant Day School! We are excited to share our wonderful school with you.
Covenant Day seeks to create disciples who will follow Christ through adulthood and be well-equipped to serve Him. We find great joy in partnering with Christian families and their churches to shape the lives of our students. It is our desire that they would be anchored in their faith and able to stand firmly on the truth of God’s word in an increasingly post-Christian culture.
Covenant Day School has a rich history of providing strong Christian community and fostering excellence in all areas for God’s glory. We seek to put Christ first as we cultivate the varying gifts of students for his glory. By providing a strong academic environment and robust athletic and fine arts experiences, we hope that our students will be well prepared for their futures, wherever God may lead them.
As you explore our website, we hope that you sense our love for the Lord and our desire to serve Him faithfully. Thank you for your interest in Covenant Day School!
CDS Board of Trustees
The Session of Christ Covenant Church appoints the Board of Trustees of Covenant Day School to hold the school in trust, that is, to oversee the strategic operation of the school. The board is comprised of up to 15 trustees. Each trustee serves a three-year term, renewable at the option of the Board of Trustees and Session of Christ Covenant Church. When trustees are convened in an official board meeting, they speak as the Board. An individual trustee does not have any board power outside of an official board meeting. The board employs only one person, the Head of School. All other school employees report to the Head of School.
People interested in serving on the Board of Trustees may contact the board secretary or the executive assistant to the Head of School for a board application.
Please pray for the board as they seek to faithfully serve the Lord as they govern and guide the school.
Board of Trustees
Rich Prostasewich, Chairman
Blair Smith, Vice Chairman
Drew Peterson, Treasurer
Marisa Deaton, Secretary
Kevin DeYoung
Josh Grissom
Beth Harrelson
Greg Love
Allison Nelson
Brandon Ruby
Courtney Silver
Derek Wells